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Adsense Seiten-RPM um über 90 Prozent eingebrochen

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Beiträge: 3128
Registriert: 23.02.2016, 13:55

Beitrag arnego2 » 31.01.2023, 19:26 Adsense Seiten-RPM um über 90 Prozent eingebrochen

marc77 hat geschrieben: 31.01.2023, 19:23 ... oogle.html

The harm of Google’s practices, they allege, is that “website creators earn less, and advertisers pay more, than they would in a market where unfettered competitive pressure could discipline prices...

In effect, Google was robbing from Peter (the advertisers) to pay Paul (the publishers), all the while collecting a hefty transaction fee for its own privileged position in the middle,” the enforcers allege. “Rather than helping to fund website publishing, Google was siphoning off advertising dollars for itself through the imposition of supra-competitive fees on its platforms. A rival publisher ad server could not compete with Google’s inflated ad prices, especially without access to Google’s captive advertiser demand from Google Ads.
Das sehen die Jungs schon richtig. Es passt zur Management Krise in der wir stecken. Wie man den Laden kaputt bekommt scheint das Spiel der Zeit zu sein.

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