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Chitika Is Shutting Down Effective Immediately

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PostRank 4
PostRank 4
Beiträge: 172
Registriert: 17.10.2015, 23:22

Beitrag RH666 » 18.04.2019, 13:45 Chitika Is Shutting Down Effective Immediately

..Und wieder einer weniger der lange dabei war.

Chitika Is Shutting Down Effective Immediately
Dear Publisher,

After 15+ years in business and millions of publisher relationships, Chitika is hereby shutting down and closing its business. Our sincere thanks to all our publishers with whom we have enjoyed wonderful relationships over the years. We wish you the best of luck and success as you continue to grow your traffic and revenue.

What's Next?
Q: What action do I need to take?
A: Please remove all Chitika ad code from all your websites on or before April 30th 2019. Any Chitika ad code or other calls to Chitika ad services after this time period will cease to operate.

Q: What about earnings for last month and current month?
A: Unfortunately, due to termination of our partnership with our biggest exchange partner, no earnings accumulated after March 1st 2019 will be paid out. All earnings after March 1st 2019 have been chargebacked by the exchange and money has been returned to the advertisers.

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