There is a url, where, searching for it (directly or with the main keyword), different users see two different SERP snippet descriptions - a correct one, coming from the metatag, and the wrong one, coming from the anchor of an internal link on the page. There are more users seeing the wrong description, ans those seeing the correct one.
- All users use incognito mode in different browsers (Chrome, Brave, Opera, Safari),
- All users see the same cache date and time,
- All users tried different networks (office, privat, different GSM provider).
- Search console has in both versions ("view crawled page", "test live url") the correct description.
Could somebody explain, what happens here - and why?
In many cases Google uses a description, other than the "real" metatag description. But I think this happens with personalized search results, where Google means, description could match the search intention of this or that visitor better, than the default description. But here I have to deal with incognito mode without any personalization. Some users tried to downoad new browser without any browsing history - and got wrong description.
Summa summarum: I'm pretty perplexed.